7 Self Care Tips for Difficult Times
/There is a lot of noise and distraction in the world. Sometimes it can be so loud that it drowns out your own voice. It is important to remember to practice self-care. Here are a few tips on how you can remember to maintain physical, emotional and spiritual wellness during difficult times.
Tip 1: Get More Sleep
In our 24 news cycle, we have to remember to turn off our TV, social media, and even our own thoughts and get some sleep. Coffee is not a substitute for sleep. Our body is designed to get about 8 hours of sleep, and even more depending on your age and health condition. Sleep is a necessary part of an effective self-care plan.
Tip 2: Create Boundaries and Unplug Regularly
Do you find yourself glued to the TV, watching the same news clips over and over again? The media is a business and is not always thinking about how something you're watching may have a psychological impact on the people watching. Therefore, it's in your best interest to limit your intake of all forms of media. Being tethered to our smartphones and other electronic devices can create anxiety and some unhealthy behavior. Take a weekend sabbatical where you and your family put away all your electronic devices for one weekend. This will help you let go of your need to always be connected and allow you to create mental space. We care often consuming information, but we do not allow ourselves to take the time to process this information. Turn off the news and go outside for a walk.
Tip 3: Journal
Sometimes, we have to get our emotions out. As you begin to unplug and create this mental space in your life; it is important to journal. I recommend using paper and pen. There are tremendous benefits to writing down your thoughts. This exercise can help you to release your thoughts and to de-clutter your mind. It is also a great way to capture new ideas and to begin to develop your vision future.
Tip 4: Forgive Yourself
We have all said and done things that we regret. It is important to forgive yourself for past mistakes, failures, disappointments, and pain. We have all experienced something that we need to let go of. Instead of letting go, we carry the guilt and shame of the past into the present. This can be difficult to do. But releasing the emotional burden that can weigh us down is an important part of the process. If you find that you need help with this, please connect with a licensed therapist who can help you.
Tip 5: Be Gracious to Yourself
Life is hard enough, remember to be gentle with yourself. We can be our worst critic. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to our internal dialogue and daily self-talk. Words are powerful, and they can have a profound impact on our lives. Saying kind things to yourself and developing a mantra is an important component of your plan.
Tip 6: Laughter is Good Medicine
This is a Proverb in the Bible, and research now proves that there are numerous benefits to laughter. Grab a good comedy, spend time with family and friends who make you laugh and joke around with your loved ones. Remember that it is ok to laugh at yourself.
Tip 7: Remember Your Spirit
Your spiritual practice can help during challenging times when the world does not make sense. Prayer is one way that you can also begin to release the fears and anxiety that may build up over time. Find ways to connect with God and your purpose.
Developing a self-care routine can be a great strategy for building resiliency during difficult times.
Please share your thoughts. What are some other self-care tips that you use now, or plan to use in the future?
If you would like to learn more about developing a self-care plan email me at brown.nichola@gmail.com